ATIS ATIS 126.47 1.2. The EFB provides quick and easy access to current Jeppesen charts: At many airports,especallylarge terrninals, the airport chart will precede the first approachchart WebJeppesen Chart Legend | PDF | Runway | Airport 100% (4) 1K views 117 pages Jeppesen Chart Legend Uploaded by indiannightjar Description: Jeppesen Chart Glossary Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 117 Introduction Chart Legend 0000005295 00000 n 0000039242 00000 n INTRODUCTION TO JEPPESEN NAVIGATION CHARTS These charts are for training purposes only and are not to be used for flight. ATIS ATIS 126.47 1.2. 115 ,I2 MAR 04 INTRODUCTION ZUEFPEsENAPPROACH CHARTLEGENDAIRPORT CHART FORMAT. C. Touchdown Zone RVR S(beginning offactors require lhe establishment of.higher tak-offrun), Mid RVR 5 a;d oouI RVR S,lhan standard take-off mnimumsand/or..ob- provded all'f the following vsual aids andstacledeparture procedures.lo asslsl pilots hVR equipment areavailabl.during the IFR climbout to the minimumenroule altitude orcruising altitude. WebJeppesen Chart Legend | PDF | Runway | Airport 100% (4) 1K views 117 pages Jeppesen Chart Legend Uploaded by indiannightjar Description: Jeppesen Chart Glossary Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 117 Introduction Chart Legend @; R 0000012819 00000 n 0000014049 00000 n 0000015133 00000 n WebThe Chart Clinic First in a Series. Effective dates are determined by the cycles coordinated by Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC), which are the 28 day aeronautical cycle used throughout the world. 0000038930 00000 n Att RIGHIS RESERVED. Combine Jeppesen NavData on your avionics with Jeppesen charts on your mobile devices to have a complete flight deck solution support you during your entire flight. Hc```l : ac`aDws`yki/$AA%hRRR 16 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 18 /H [ 1182 271 ] /L 183095 /E 116533 /N 2 /T 182657 >> endobj xref 16 39 0000000016 00000 n 0000001127 00000 n 0000001453 00000 n 0000001660 00000 n 0000001936 00000 n 0000002116 00000 n 0000002137 00000 n 0000003063 00000 n 0000003084 00000 n 0000003992 00000 n 0000004013 00000 n 0000004945 00000 n 0000004966 00000 n 0000005755 00000 n 0000005776 00000 n 0000006647 00000 n 0000007493 00000 n 0000007691 00000 n 0000007895 00000 n 0000008738 00000 n 0000008759 00000 n 0000009818 00000 n 0000010598 00000 n 0000010807 00000 n 0000011019 00000 n 0000011809 00000 n 0000012598 00000 n 0000012619 00000 n 0000013607 00000 n 0000013628 00000 n 0000014490 00000 n 0000014567 00000 n 0000014645 00000 n 0000061396 00000 n 0000111478 00000 n 0000113603 00000 n 0000115003 00000 n 0000001182 00000 n 0000001432 00000 n trailer << /Size 55 /Info 15 0 R /Root 17 0 R /Prev 182647 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 17 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 14 0 R >> endobj 53 0 obj << /S 85 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 54 0 R >> stream However, f one I 1 /I of the three RVR reportingsystems has I / /I taiteo, a take-off is authoiized provided I / /Ithe remaining two RVR values are at or I / I, ISTD denotes standardItake-of f minmums forlrnR lzr, 123,1zs,129land 135 ooerators./Stanoaro is nvn50o.lllfor 1 & 2Ens.lleva24",fzfor3&4, / I ens.I-I I The obstacle DP for/ | runw"ys 29LlR require/ |lwnen the weather is/ | below 1000' ceiling-7/ I mles) a climb to1800'/ I trsl- on runwav head-, I /ling before iniiiatingl llaturn. In such cases, refer tolhe note oBSTACLEOP to the lef t and immediately below the mnimum columns fortheprocedure. 0000015325 00000 n WebThe Chart Clinic Database Series P ower is set for cruise, engines are synched, trim is all set, comm radios properly tuned, GPS receiver set to a waypoint close to the destination. 0000009243 00000 n ;YZ10 (|CiPE/{10:mcccv|h63V7h5Ma k @ endstream endobj 82 0 obj 235 endobj 25 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 21 0 R /Resources 26 0 R /Contents [ 40 0 R 42 0 R 46 0 R 48 0 R 52 0 R 54 0 R 56 0 R 59 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 26 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC /ImageI ] /Font << /F7 49 0 R /F8 35 0 R /F9 38 0 R /F10 27 0 R /F11 43 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 73 0 R /Im2 74 0 R /Im3 75 0 R /Im4 76 0 R /Im5 57 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 77 0 R /GS2 80 0 R /GS3 66 0 R /GS4 65 0 R /GS5 61 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /CS2 34 0 R /CS3 31 0 R /CS5 33 0 R /CS7 32 0 R /CS9 28 0 R /CS11 29 0 R >> >> endobj 27 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F10 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 278 296 370 574 574 833 741 204 352 352 426 611 278 333 278 389 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 278 278 611 611 611 463 759 574 519 611 694 463 426 704 667 272 272 537 444 872 742 741 519 741 537 500 537 667 574 889 606 519 593 333 444 333 611 500 352 539 547 426 539 463 278 537 556 225 241 463 225 824 556 519 537 539 333 389 333 537 463 722 463 463 481 333 259 333 611 278 574 574 611 463 742 741 667 539 539 539 539 539 539 426 463 463 463 463 225 225 225 225 556 519 519 519 519 519 537 537 537 537 519 370 574 574 519 500 537 537 778 778 926 352 426 0 796 741 0 611 0 0 574 537 0 0 0 0 0 333 370 0 796 519 463 296 611 0 574 0 0 500 500 1000 278 574 574 741 889 815 500 1000 500 500 278 278 611 0 463 519 148 574 278 278 519 519 520 278 278 500 1222 574 463 574 463 463 272 272 272 272 741 741 0 741 667 667 667 225 444 463 444 500 225 333 333 519 315 444 ] /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /StoneSans-Italic /FontDescriptor 30 0 R >> endobj 28 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 63 69 0 R ] endobj 29 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 31 72 0 R ] endobj 30 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 735 /CapHeight 700 /Descent -250 /Flags 96 /FontBBox [ -195 -250 1214 943 ] /FontName /StoneSans-Italic /ItalicAngle -12 /StemV 81 /XHeight 510 >> endobj 31 0 obj [ /CalRGB << /Gamma [ 1.8 1.8 1.8 ] /Matrix [ 0.381 0.207 0.021 0.32 0.68 0.143 0.248 0.112 1.242 ] /WhitePoint [ 0.95 1 1.406 ] >> ] endobj 32 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 31 68 0 R ] endobj 33 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 63 67 0 R ] endobj 34 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 60 0 R ] endobj 35 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F8 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 278 222 333 556 556 852 556 222 333 333 463 600 278 333 278 278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 278 278 600 600 600 370 800 648 574 722 796 574 537 796 796 296 315 685 574 889 778 870 574 870 630 537 685 796 722 1000 648 630 685 333 278 333 600 500 259 444 537 444 537 463 296 500 519 259 259 481 259 741 519 537 537 537 352 370 333 537 481 685 444 481 463 333 222 333 600 278 648 648 722 574 778 870 796 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 463 463 463 463 259 259 259 259 519 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 500 400 556 556 500 500 600 574 800 800 990 259 259 0 944 870 0 600 0 0 556 537 0 0 0 0 0 266 322 0 685 537 370 222 600 0 556 0 0 500 500 1000 278 648 648 870 1000 815 500 1000 333 333 167 167 600 0 481 630 167 556 333 333 500 500 500 278 167 333 1000 648 574 648 574 574 296 296 296 296 870 870 0 870 796 796 796 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 ] /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Weiss-Bold /FontDescriptor 37 0 R >> endobj 36 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 735 /CapHeight 700 /Descent -250 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -179 -250 1297 943 ] /FontName /StoneSans /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 90 /XHeight 510 >> endobj 37 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 706 /CapHeight 706 /Descent -205 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -167 -217 1000 934 ] /FontName /Weiss-Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 97 /XHeight 409 >> endobj 38 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F9 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 287 296 370 574 574 926 815 204 352 352 426 574 287 333 287 389 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 287 287 574 574 574 463 796 612 574 684 736 497 481 739 704 265 272 593 481 928 781 796 537 796 556 520 556 690 593 927 645 538 612 333 574 333 574 500 352 500 595 481 595 507 296 595 585 238 238 477 238 894 585 573 597 597 348 389 345 571 490 779 519 495 450 352 259 352 574 287 612 612 684 497 781 796 690 500 500 500 500 500 500 481 507 507 507 507 238 238 238 238 585 573 573 573 573 573 571 571 571 571 519 370 574 574 519 500 537 606 759 759 963 352 426 0 833 796 0 574 0 0 574 574 0 0 0 0 0 370 389 0 806 573 463 296 574 0 574 0 0 500 500 1000 287 612 612 796 960 907 500 1000 500 500 278 278 574 0 495 538 168 574 278 278 536 536 519 287 278 500 1332 612 497 612 497 497 265 265 265 265 796 796 0 796 690 690 690 238 444 481 444 481 222 315 333 519 315 444 ] /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /StoneSans /FontDescriptor 36 0 R >> endobj 39 0 obj 1461 endobj 40 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 39 0 R >> stream ZUEFpESEIv INTRODUCTION II MAYOIAPPROACH CHART LEGEND. O Airport refernoe point (ARP)Latitude and Longitude. Not all symbology is 0000014372 00000 n 0000020803 00000 n @ JEPpESEN SANDERSoN, tNc., t989, 2oor. 0000005258 00000 n 0000010672 00000 n 0000063711 00000 n Comprised of up-to-date data from digital and paper sources from governmental civil aviation and military agencies around the world, the Jeppesen Obstacle Database is the worlds most complete and most trusted database of natural and human-made obstacles relevant to aviation. Profile view (also shaded white, located just below the plan view). aircraft and lo RVRT20DotVlS 800nfor 3 & 4 eng.aircralt, unless one of the follow-ng vsual aids s avalablo. TAKE-OFF AND ALTERNATE MINIMUMSPublication oi mnimums does notconstitut auhotity fot lheir use by all operalors. water runway. (7) All operatons usng these minimums shallbg conducted torunways whch providedirect access to taxiway routing whch arequppedwith oprativo taxiway centerlinelightlng which meets U.S. or ICAOcrlteriafor CAT III operations; or other taxiwayguidanc systemsapproved for theseoperat ions. WORTDWIDE FORMAT FOR NON.FAA OR JAA MEMBERSTATES ON CHARTS DATEDON OR AFTER II MAY 01. vIS l00mD 250m 1200m) '- tubn -. 1. At many airports,especallylarge terrninals, the airport chart will precede the first approachchart and contain an enlarged diagram.Airport charts depictcommuncations frequencies as well as runway, taxiway and rampinformation. ./ Restrictions in this/ column, if any, apply, to all opsrators.Approaches \wrh \ LOC, VOR, etc.electronic\approaches.glide slope. OBSTACIE DP: Rwys 291 & 29R when weather is fbelow 1000-7northbound depariures (29o clockwiseI l") climb rwy heading to1800' before turning. Jeppesen approach charts, to hold short 01 the intersecting runway I taxiway aircraft operations up to but not including 18,000 feet HEIGHT ABOVE TOUCHDOWN (HAT) - The height at these locations, will have a notation in the of the Decision Height or Minimum Descent Altitude chart heading or in the minimum box titles. The EFB provides quick and easy access to current Jeppesen charts: Due to the extent of changes to the ILS approach and its association to the new (extended) Rwy 12, the current charts 10-9, 10-9S and 11-1/16-1 shall not be used. 0000044603 00000 n Figures shown with RVR (runway visual range) represent readingsin hundreds of leet. Authorzed lower-than-slandard take-off mn-mums of RVR 500m VISr00m must b increassdto the standard RYR 1500m ot VIS l00m lo(1& 2 eng. NOTE: This section of the Jeppesen legend pages provides a general overview regarding the layout anddepiction of Enroute Charts. (3)Serviceable runway centerline markings(RCLM). ALTERNATE minmums wll be charted only for individual airportswhen spcified by th country.Charted minmums are those specified bythe country. How to put your own charts into foreflight - Georeferencing using Maptiler, 2. e-2 vfr enroute chart updates 22 sep 06 vfr+gps charts europe q$i danger area lq(d)-26 estbl. They simply reproduce the relevant material. 0000013114 00000 n 0000005183 00000 n 38/41. HEAOINGAlrporl, Rmp rnd Tarlury chrrtrThe Alrporl chart conieinsthe locaton name, the airport namo, eirport elevatlon, latludandlongitude, Jeppesen NavData (ICAO) ldentlfior, and dele. Jeppesen extracts the basic information for the charting and Nav Data services from public documents and disseminated by worldwide civil aviation authorities. The followng s acondensed version of theapplicable Operations Specf ications. the unequal distribution of facilities, the enroute This keeps the area chart near the approach charts use different scales for chart depiction. Stopways and overruns are shownregardless of surface,with the length, whenknown. Youll nd our charts work harder, smarter and offer more value than ever. ForeFlight Mobile When viewing a chart full screen in Plates, you'll see a small printer icon located in the upper left corner, and tapping this will bring up the standard iPad print window. Add 400 fr to the MDHor DH as applicable. AMDB is the detailed data thats necessary to power todays airport moving map applications. Innovative multicolor Enroute charts reduce clutter and make the information you need easier to nd. WebOur charts feature the most up-to-date, accurate and detailed aviation-relevant data in the world. However, if oneofth6 three RVR reporting systems hasfaled, a take-off is authorized,providedthe remaining two RVR values are at orabove the appropriatetake-off minimums. - Microsoft Entra, 4 Proven Steps to Upgrade Azure AD Connect. And JeppView gives you CD-ROM chart convenience. An AIRAC date occurs every 28 days, and often Jeppesen charts will carry a corresponding effective date (look at the top of the chart near the index number). 0000001807 00000 n When equipped with AMDB, these applications provide pilots and airport personnel with better situational awareness and more efficient surface movement coordination. Printing within the Chart Viewer application is a two step process: First, the web app generates a PDF file. 0000017977 00000 n The EFB provides quick and easy access to current Jeppesen charts: WebThe Jeppesen charts are designed by human factors experts. It is intended for reference only and includes some of the most commonly used symbology. Att RcHls RCSERVEo. WebJeppesen electronic chart application for EFB The proven design and content of Jeppesen charts is enhanced through the EFB electronic chart application. Take-ott reslrictions, including ceiling andvisibilityrequifments, and obstacle deP-arture procedures, apply to FAR 121,129and 135 operalors.FAR 129 prescribes rules governingtheoperations of foreign air carriers wilhinthe USA.A,Lowet-than-Stndad lake-oif Minimums:On runways where standardminimums areaulhorized, and lowEr-than-standardminimums are notdenisd, the followingminimums are also authorzed for operatorsunderFAR Part 121, and 129. Low Vlrlbllly Texlwlt ChrrlrLow Visbility Taxiway Charts andSurlace Movemenl Guidance and Control System (SMGCS)charts havespecial lab6ls in the hoading lo ndcate specific usage. The Touchdown Zone RVRreport, ifavailable, is controllng. The Commercial Pilot Online course takes Jeppesen's award-winning materials through a combination of text, graphics, video, and audio, making preparation for your instrument pilot rating straight forward and intuitive. Jose Gomez. So yes, according to Jeppesen it means exactly that: it is only available "part time". "Adequate Vs Ref" is shown as a remnder that at least oneof thefollowing visual aids must be available. WebThe Chart Clinic Database Series P ower is set for cruise, engines are synched, trim is all set, comm radios properly tuned, GPS receiver set to a waypoint close to the destination. Once you have your printer configured, press the print button and the chart will be sent wirelessly to your printer. Available on their own or bundled with our other data services, Jeppesen is trusted by more than 1,000,000 pilots around the globe. Lo-{ cated on runwaycenterline. Add 200 ft to thehgher DH or MDH ofthe two approachss. The Commercial Pilot Online course takes Jeppesen's award-winning materials through a combination of text, graphics, video, and audio, making preparation for your instrument pilot rating straight forward and intuitive. fAll of the charts are bound in aircraft.Runway Visual Range (RVR) is to be usedinsteadof reported vsbility for operatngon any runway for which RVR isreportd. %PDF-1.2 % (Lmited) preceding VOT ndicates O Anastersk (-) indicates part-timethe test signal can only be receivedat designated operaton.positons on the airport, @ JPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1990, 2004, ALL RIGHfS RESERVED, NEW FORIAT 6 Io DEc a9 INTRODUCTION UEPFESENARPORT CHARTFORMAT. 0000002630 00000 n The slevationof refronce points dspicted s above meansealevel (MSL).Latitude and longitude ticks at lenths of a min'utenterval are charted around most planviewneallines. Jose Gomez. Jeppesen - aviation dictionary. 38/41. WebJeppesen - aviation dictionary. Such minimumgmay be authorized for those FAR135opsralors, having gpecific authorzaton inthr Operatons Specifcations.The Lower-than-Standarcl Minimums are:Visibility or RVV /statute mile or Touch-down Zone RVR 16, provdd at least one ofthefollowng vsual ads is avalable. Western Hemisphere 1-800-894-9478 303-784-4274 Eastern Hemisphere +49 61 02 50 70 Blank columns indicatethat the runway lengthdepicted n the airport planview sapplcable. Following sections describe important symbols and their usage in 0000004070 00000 n Information contained in the copyrighted charts is independently available from publications of the appropriate governing authority and other third parties. Following sections describe important symbols and their usage in Jeppesen extracts the basic information for the charting and Nav Data services from public documents and disseminated by worldwide civil aviation authorities. 0000010907 00000 n The TouchdownZon RVRrport, if available, is controlling. Jeppesen Enroute Charts are compiled and constructed using the best available aeronautical andtopographical reference charts. ENROUTE CHART LEGEND. Jeppesen extracts the basic information for the charting and Nav Data services from public documents and disseminated by worldwide civil aviation authorities. ffdf DisplacedthresholdIr Designated stoo bar or-------designated holdng position.rrrrtF Category IIllII holdingpositon. To learn about linking your active Jeppesen subscription with ForeFlight mobile, or to purchase ForeFlight Mobile, visit the ForeFlight website. At many airports,especallylarge terrninals, the airport chart will precede the first approachchart + JEPPESEN 1.1. All Rights Reserved. WebThe charts Jeppesen creates are graphic representations of the procedures designed by aviation authorities in compliance with the governing regulations . tn suchcases, refer to the note DEPARTURE PROCE-DURE to the left andimmediately below the minimum colums for the procedure. 0000001828 00000 n of 23. Jeppesen NavData The most complete JEPPESEN CHARTS Jeppesen Sanderson Inc publishes aviation documents as prescribed by the applicable authority of the state and promulgated. chart when the airport is prnted on thelOGeographclatitudeandlongitudecoordnatesnreversesdeofthefirstapproachchart). Mar 2022 30West IP Update: ARINCDirect Plotting, 4. And JeppView gives you CD-ROM chart convenience. Jeppesen continues to innovate and invest in charting. HdVK+7. 0000017041 00000 n Jeppesen approach charts, to hold short 01 the intersecting runway I taxiway aircraft operations up to but not including 18,000 feet HEIGHT ABOVE TOUCHDOWN (HAT) - The height at these locations, will have a notation in the of the Decision Height or Minimum Descent Altitude chart heading or in the minimum box titles. 0000111886 00000 n ,.D endstream endobj 66 0 obj 201 endobj 13 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 9 0 R /Resources 14 0 R /Contents [ 24 0 R 30 0 R 34 0 R 36 0 R 40 0 R 42 0 R 44 0 R 46 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 14 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC /ImageI ] /Font << /F8 38 0 R /F9 32 0 R /F10 28 0 R /F11 19 0 R /F12 20 0 R /F13 25 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 58 0 R /Im2 59 0 R /Im3 60 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 61 0 R /GS2 64 0 R /GS3 52 0 R /GS4 51 0 R /GS5 47 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /CS2 22 0 R /CS3 21 0 R /CS5 15 0 R /CS7 18 0 R >> >> endobj 15 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 31 54 0 R ] endobj 16 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 735 /CapHeight 700 /Descent -250 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -179 -250 1297 943 ] /FontName /StoneSans /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 90 /XHeight 510 >> endobj 17 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 735 /CapHeight 700 /Descent -250 /Flags 96 /FontBBox [ -195 -250 1214 943 ] /FontName /StoneSans-Italic /ItalicAngle -12 /StemV 81 /XHeight 510 >> endobj 18 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 63 55 0 R ] endobj 19 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F11 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 287 296 370 574 574 926 815 204 352 352 426 574 287 333 287 389 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 287 287 574 574 574 463 796 612 574 684 736 497 481 739 704 265 272 593 481 928 781 796 537 796 556 520 556 690 593 927 645 538 612 333 574 333 574 500 352 500 595 481 595 507 296 595 585 238 238 477 238 894 585 573 597 597 348 389 345 571 490 779 519 495 450 352 259 352 574 287 612 612 684 497 781 796 690 500 500 500 500 500 500 481 507 507 507 507 238 238 238 238 585 573 573 573 573 573 571 571 571 571 519 370 574 574 519 500 537 606 759 759 963 352 426 0 833 796 0 574 0 0 574 574 0 0 0 0 0 370 389 0 806 573 463 296 574 0 574 0 0 500 500 1000 287 612 612 796 960 907 500 1000 500 500 278 278 574 0 495 538 168 574 278 278 536 536 519 287 278 500 1332 612 497 612 497 497 265 265 265 265 796 796 0 796 690 690 690 238 444 481 444 481 222 315 333 519 315 444 ] /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /StoneSans /FontDescriptor 16 0 R >> endobj 20 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F12 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 278 296 370 574 574 833 741 204 352 352 426 611 278 333 278 389 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 574 278 278 611 611 611 463 759 574 519 611 694 463 426 704 667 272 272 537 444 872 742 741 519 741 537 500 537 667 574 889 606 519 593 333 444 333 611 500 352 539 547 426 539 463 278 537 556 225 241 463 225 824 556 519 537 539 333 389 333 537 463 722 463 463 481 333 259 333 611 278 574 574 611 463 742 741 667 539 539 539 539 539 539 426 463 463 463 463 225 225 225 225 556 519 519 519 519 519 537 537 537 537 519 370 574 574 519 500 537 537 778 778 926 352 426 0 796 741 0 611 0 0 574 537 0 0 0 0 0 333 370 0 796 519 463 296 611 0 574 0 0 500 500 1000 278 574 574 741 889 815 500 1000 500 500 278 278 611 0 463 519 148 574 278 278 519 519 520 278 278 500 1222 574 463 574 463 463 272 272 272 272 741 741 0 741 667 667 667 225 444 463 444 500 225 333 333 519 315 444 ] /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /StoneSans-Italic /FontDescriptor 17 0 R >> endobj 21 0 obj [ /CalRGB << /Gamma [ 1.8 1.8 1.8 ] /Matrix [ 0.381 0.207 0.021 0.32 0.68 0.143 0.248 0.112 1.242 ] /WhitePoint [ 0.95 1 1.406 ] >> ] endobj 22 0 obj [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 53 0 R ] endobj 23 0 obj 1305 endobj 24 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 23 0 R >> stream The Md RVR may bs sub-stituted for the TouchdownZone RVR reportf the Touchdown Zone RVR report is notavailable. WebJeppesen electronic charts are full-featured, vector-graphic charts for maximum readability and performance. Beginning in August 2019, we are implementing a new standard for AOM, which adopts ICAO standards and better serves development in aviation. AMid RVR reportmay be substituted foreither a Touchdown Zone RVR report ifaTouchdown Zone report is not aval-able or a Rollout RVR report if aRoll-out RVR report is not avalable. Beginning in August 2019, we are implementing a new standard for AOM, which adopts ICAO standards and better serves development in aviation. You can download ForeFlight Mobile for free from the app store. A check -Primarily associated with large commercial aircraft, the lowest level of inspection in a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program. This Manual has been developed to provide current information in the condensed form required for air navigation under instrument and/or visual flight conditions. Just below the profile view are the minimums for the approach (shaded yellow). 10012894_10011147. (f) Operative high intsnsity runwaylights(HrRL). 0000038747 00000 n RVR reporting systems serving the run-way to be used, both ofwhich are con-trollng, or three RVR reporting systemsserving therunway to be used, all ofwhich are controlling. fAll of the charts are bound in Jeppesen continues to innovate and invest in charting. Hb```c``1(1Wa*h|0W`s6Pb | @Z-"Bz for training purposes only and are not to be used for flight. Jeppesen - aviation dictionary. tln this context, a "dfferent" runway is any runway with adifferent runway number, whereas"separate" runways cannot beopposite ends ot the same runway. 0000018183 00000 n 0000007937 00000 n Jeppesen digital charts integrate with most avionics systems and can be viewed on popular mobile navigation applications such as ForeFlight Mobile, Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck and more. They are the preferred choice of many real-world airlines because of the uniform design and clear presentations of altitudes, obstacles, and landing minima. 0000008320 00000 n @ JEPPESEN SANDERSoN, Nc., t929, t997. On chartsdated before1 l JUL 97 the column is titled Threshold lo Intersecting Runway.r. Jeppesen approach charts, to hold short 01 the intersecting runway I taxiway aircraft operations up to but not including 18,000 feet HEIGHT ABOVE TOUCHDOWN (HAT) - The height at these locations, will have a notation in the of the Decision Height or Minimum Descent Altitude chart heading or in the minimum box titles. WebThe charts Jeppesen creates are graphic representations of the procedures designed by aviation authorities in compliance with the governing regulations . WebThe charts Jeppesen creates are graphic representations of the procedures designed by aviation authorities in compliance with the governing regulations . 0000006781 00000 n At many airports,especallylarge terrninals, the airport chart will precede the first approachchart You have to see it to believe it. The Mid RVR reportmay besubstituted for the Touchdown ZoneRVR report if the Touchdown ZoneRVR reportis not available. 0000019351 00000 n 0000006759 00000 n Att RIGHIS RESERVED. (4) In circumstances when none of lheabovevisual aids are available, 400m visbility IRVR500m vis 400m(RVR 16 orl)l may still beused, provded other runway markingsorrunway lighting Provide Pilots wit adequatevsual reerence tocontnuously identfy thetake-off surface and maintain drectionalcon-trol throughout the take-off run. (4) In circumslances when none of thoabove. You're almost there! Purchase digital chart services. Like our mobile charts, you can expect regular, reliable updates so that you always have access to the latest releases. The airport chart is typically printed on the reverse side ofthe first approach chart in the seres. Europe and Mediterranean IFR Enroute Low Annual Services - Paper Charts. 0000036939 00000 n Au. Jeppesen, 2018, Airport Information JEPPESEN Airport Information JEPPESEN. h raxiway and apronx xxxx Permanently Closed taxiway. OMDW Jeppesen Charts. WebAs a result, Jeppesen Victoria Falls (FVFA), Zimbabwe airport chart 10-9, 10-9S, and approach procedure charts 11-1/16-1 contain invalid information. I 290'lNM is roquiredI until reaching 1000' MSL.I If unaOte tomeot climbI requirement, 300' ceilng-I RVR 50 or 1 mile apply. Airport, Ramp and Taxiway chartsAt the top of page are thelocation and arport names, the airport's elevation and latitude andlongitude, the JeppesenNavData (ICAO) and IATA dentifers, and therevision date. Th available landngdistance is shown n the LAHSO Dstance column. Web10012549_10011147. The Commercial Pilot Online course takes Jeppesen's award-winning materials through a combination of text, graphics, video, and audio, making preparation for your instrument pilot rating straight forward and intuitive. 0000003956 00000 n The charts library is updated with all other datasets every 28 days following the AIRAC calendar. , What are the five sections of an approach plate? Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen. "Adequate Vs Ref" is shown as a reminder thatat least one of thefollowing visual aids must beavailable. 0000002890 00000 n 0000004122 00000 n trailer << /Size 83 /Info 22 0 R /Root 24 0 R /Prev 363699 /ID[<10d5210a26102ad0a9469f8988d0e804><10d5210a26102ad0a9469f8988d0e804>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 24 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 21 0 R >> endobj 81 0 obj << /S 130 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 82 0 R >> stream Following sections describe important symbols and their usage in For arports with at least one operational navi-gatnal facltyprovidng a straght-in non-precision approach procedure, or Category1precision approach, or, when applcable, a cir-clng maneuver froman instrument approachpr oced ure. WebJEPPESEN AIRLINE CHART SERIES FEATURES Extensive global chart library To-scale approach chart depiction of Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) displayed in the plan view and heading for increased situational awareness Non-precision approach charts support Constant Descent Final Approach (CDFA) technique whenever possible The USA Operations Specifications re-quire theoperator to calculate allernate minimums. Jeppesen extracts the basic information for the charting and Nav Data services from public documents and disseminated by worldwide civil aviation authorities.
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