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root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear

10 mars 2023

By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Weston Price and Mayo Clinics [studies from] 1910 to 1920 described finding bacterial growth in root canals that could be transferred into animals and create the same diseases the donor human had in from 80 to 100% of the animals. Unfortunately, an increasing amount of research is showing that getting a root canal can lead to bacterial overload and may increase your chances of developing breast cancer. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The myth about root canal procedures may be prevalent on the internet, but there is no scientific evidence to back up these claims. In a matter of years, sometimes months, sometimes even days, the infection returns. A 1998 study, published in the American Academy of Periodontology, concluded that the actual root canal sites as well as the blood samples of all 26 case subjects contained anaerobic bacteria. Essentially, having a root canal done could lead to never-ending river of bacteria flowing into your bloodstream. Dr. Robert Jones looked directly at the relationship between root canals and breast cancer. Root canals are performed to remove the nerve and the surrounding pulp at the center of an infected or decaying tooth. She wanted to know why her breast cancer returned because she had done everything her doctors had told her to do the first time. Her blood test showed signs of infection somewhere in her body. Dr. Weston A. Treatment for cancer in the lymph nodes varies depending on the tumor size and location and whether the cancer has metastasized to other areas of the body. If you kill the microbes everywhere in the body except the root canal teeth, it is inevitable that the microbes will spread out from their safe haven in the root canal teeth and the disease will return. Add your two cents. The result is: An on-going toxic drip of bacteria such as E. Faecalis (responsible for abscess formation and destruction of tissue) into the body and its organs. The next section will discuss this problem. Henderson, who has been a cancer-prevention advocate for over 25 years says: Two facts have jumped out at meThe most common cause of all cancers is root canal-filled teeth and cavitation sites; and until a cancer patient gets rid of the root canal-filled teeth and cavitations, they dont get well.(2). Diving deeper into the myths about root canals and cancer and learning more about some other false root canal claims can help you feel more confident going into the procedure. chlorella, zeolites, etc.). Gut flora problems can emerge, as the endodontist will typically prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection in the root canal so that he can redo the root canal. What did Root Cause get rightand what did they get wrong? However, there are some URGENT WARNINGS about having your mercury removed! After they breed inside the root canal they can then spread out into the body of the host any time they want. Root canals and breast cancer: The connection is clear. Vimeo On Demand does not solicit or screen for content and only removes content when it violates its service terms or guidelines. If it were true that root canals caused diseases like cancer, there would be much more information about it available in peer-reviewed scientific publications, and root canals would not be the preferred treatment option to save teeth. And the other 20 percent should not be chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake except in rare situations. On occasion, these bacteria do overgrow and can escape into the bloodstream to cause infection. The answer to this question is that its no different than what typically occurs in the general population.. Root Canals Revisited: New Studies, New Evidence, Same Dangers - Breast From a thermographic perspective, it is becoming more common to see oral inflammation that drains from the oral cavity, down the anterior neck and into the lymphatic system, in some cases creating lymphatic pathways into breast tissue. Dr. Price's research was followed-up by a Dr. George E. Meinig, who also wrote a book on the subject. In a letter dated 29 January 2019, the ADA, AAE and AADR wrote that continuing to host the film on their platform could harm the viewing public by spreading misinformation about safe medical treatments like root canals. There are three main reasons a cancer patient can go into regression. Although there might be times when extracting a tooth is the best option, the. Thermography offers a non-invasive way to measure areas of inflammation in the dental, cranial and thyroid regions. Consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and well-being or on any opinions expressed within this website. Despite the opposition, Root Cause remains available on Amazon, Vimeo and iTunes. This is the main reason a Stage IV treatment is required to last at least one year. Saving a dying, infected tooth would be like trying to save an infected appendix or gall bladder by stuffing it with bleach (sodium hypochlorite is routinely used in root canals) and other toxic chemicals in the hope that the body will not reject it. Dr. Panahpour interview on NBC about the Breast Cancer Root Canal connection, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers The Four Aspects of Healing, Root Canals And Breast Cancer The Connection Is Clear, How To Cure Breast Cancer With Baking Soda, Does Breast Cancer Cause Burning Sensation, What Causes Breast Cancer After Menopause, How Accurate Is Oncotype Dx Test For Breast Cancer, What Does Nuclear Grade Mean In Breast Cancer, What Is Er And Pr Positive In Breast Cancer, What Medication Is Taken After Breast Cancer, What Is Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer, You might see claims that its better to have a, Another ongoing myth about root canals is that the procedure is painful. They will typically drill out the insides of the tooth and fill the tooth with metal rods. Bacteria and other toxins, the film argues, fester in the jaw and then travel to other organs along meridian lines, which according to traditional Chinese medicine move life force throughout the body, spreading infection and causing cancer and other illnesses to take root. Because dental amalgam (i.e. If your dentist tells you to get a root canal, you should be able to have an informed conversation with him or her about your options and the risks involved. However, dont fear. The AAE notes that misinterpretations of a very small study led some to claim that root canals could contribute to Alzheimer's disease or even "spread" it from one patient to the next, particularly if an endodontist uses contaminated surgical instruments. What is interesting about this quote is that 100 percent of the breast cancer patients had root canals or other infection, on the same acupuncture meridian. They eliminate the infected pulp in a tooth and replace it with an inert material to prevent reinfection. These microbes, and other toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. jumanji monkeys in police car; mount morrison south ridge trail; preston pippen college basketball. Root Canals And Breast Cancer: The Connection Is Clear Categories . When a severe infection in a tooth requires endodontic treatment, that treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth. But aided by holistic dentists, he eventually concludes that the source of his malaise is a root canal he got as a young man a procedure he needed to save a tooth after getting punched in the mouth. Bottom line, if you are being proactive with breast cancer prevention and are on a healing journey, you MUST address your dental health, cience confirms the root canal cancer connection, How the teeth are directly connected to the health of your body, Infected teeth threaten your whole body with poor health, Pain Relief | Pain Management Therapy | Bellevue, WA, Connective Tissue Massage (CTM) / Bindegeweb Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) St. John Style. states that, in many cases, saving the tooth is the better bet. For those with compromised immune systems, this added bacterial assault can wreak havoc on their bodies, even leading to sepsis and death in severe cases (6). Afterward, he is plagued for years by insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, dizziness, and more. Period. from inside the tooth, periodically come out of the tooth and cause reinfections. If your dentist recommends a root canal procedure, dont panic. Ive been saying it at Ask the Dentist for yearsmore needs to be understood by doctors and dentists everywhere about the overall health of the mouth and body. Searching for the cause of his pain, he links it back to his dental work. We took a bacterial count of her mouth and measured her biofilm to get a baseline reading. A persistent and harmful myth about root canals has resurfaced on social media. THE ROOT CANAL / BREAST CANCER CONNECTION Infected root canals are a common example of the mouth-body connection that dental schools need to teach more about, and that consumers of dental services need to be more aware of. In fact, the idea of the cancer being on the same side as a root canal is based on the premise of the meridian system, not proven scientific fact. root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear The joy from that baby made her want to focus on being around for as long as possible. former director of Research for the American Dental Association, discovered that root canals had within them bacteria capable of producing many diseases. Since each tooth has over 3 miles of tubulestiny fluid-filled holes in its dentin layerit is inevitable that the remaining tooth will eventually become a receptacle for deadly bacteria such as E. Faecalis, which is what is responsible for abscesses (pus-filled cavities) that ultimately spread to the rest of your body. Your hospital team should give you information about your admission and hospital stay as well as what to take with you. Its the first time the AAE and AADR have ever issued a member-wide alert or written to a media platform in response to a film or TV program. However, in my experience, this never happens. It urges viewers to have any root-canal-treated teeth removed and replaced with a ceramic bridge or zirconia implant. You shouldnt have an ominous voice in the back of your head warning you that root canals cause breast cancerbecause they dont. explains that endodontists are experts in pain management and will use modern techniques and. However, the. The film includes commentary by several alternative medicine physicians who have taken controversial stances on various health topics ranging from vaccines to Ebola treatments. The rabbit then developed this same disease and in many cases, the human patient was quickly cured. She was eager for information and that curiosity would provide her salvation. This highly invasive procedure involves drilling into a decaying tooth to remove the infected pulp, and then using a file of sorts to reach into the canal of the tooth to remove the remaining pulp. The last resort was to inject ozone around the infected and dead root-canal teeth in order to sterilize the infected areas and give her immune system a break. The American Association of Endodontists states that over 25 million root canal treatments are carried out every year in the US. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Root Canals and Breast Cancer: the Connection Is Clear She told me that as an actress, even a retired actress, she needed to keep those teeth in her mouth. All of this structure has to be properly removed so that there is no dead tissue left to attract infection. root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear He found that implanting these teeth, even after rigorous sterilization, when put under the skin of an animal, resulted in the animal developing the same disease as the person and resulted in the animal dying of that disease within weeks. She was a strong woman, but her long battle with breast cancer was obviously wearing her down. Barnett particularly took issue with the film repeatedly and misleadingly linking breast cancer to root canals, stressing that even the strongest correlations do not necessarily mean there is causation. This is something else Ive been saying for a long time that dentists and endodontists know. mercury) also are a major cause of yeast infections, many women have both their root canals and their mercury removed at the same time. Root canals and breast cancer: The connection is clear :: Info On Aging Step 6: Inexpensive (yet potent) cancer treatments, Hope for Cancer: How 7 Principles apply to microbiome, Hope4Cancers integrative approach to treatment, Doctors Hope for Cancer details personal quest, Hope4Cancers individual treatment approach, Dr. Antonio Jimenez offers Hope for Cancer, More is better need not apply to hormone therapy. The microbes thrive and some of them hide from the immune system inside the root canals. His book was published first in 1994 and he has lectured widely since then trying to alert people to this danger to their health. So what about those cancer patients who cannot find a biological dentist or cannot afford one? Read Also: What If You Have Breast Cancer, Oral care professionals urge Netflix, Amazon and other companies to remove Root Cause, a documentary spreading misinformation. A documentary released on Netflix in the fall 2018, Root Cause, questions the safety of root canals. Your donation also helps further the research of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Your dentist will examine the painful tooth and take X-rays to confirm the diagnosis. Microbes do not originate in the root canals, rather they originate elsewhere in the body (such as where cancer cells form). root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear The Cause of Breast Cancer In a study of 150 breast cancer patients by Dr. Rau, in Switzerland, 147 of them had had root canals on the same meridian as the breast cancer. If you have had a root canal, consider having the tooth removed and the tissue around it cleaned and repaired by a holistic or biological dentist. So, what does this all mean? Root Canals and Cancer - Beat Cancer : Beat Cancer In addition to having root canals, its also highly likely that most breast cancer patients have been vaccinated, completed kindergarten and eaten cereal and milk during their lives, Barnett said. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. It is simply impossible to clean out all bad bacteria in a root canal because there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of microtubules in a dead tooth that cannot be reached. In addition, the actual root canal procedure can be the cause of infection from the get-go. Root canals are a safe haven for microbes. Innately, your body does not want to hold on to anything dead.. When a person in the United States has a toothache, due to an infection in the tooth, rather than cure the infection with 3 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide, dentists almost always kill the tooth. Information courtesy of Lexi Harlow and Sue Frohreich of Seattle Cancer Care Alliances Physical Therapy Clinic. Root Canals And Breast Cancer: The Hidden Link No One Told You About You might have heard claims that a high percentage of breast cancer patients have also had root canals or that they developed a tumor in the same side of their body in which they had a root canal. Tell us about it on . Googles Believe it? root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear For example, the infection may have spread to the jawbone, adding a great deal of complication to the situation. root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In a letter dated 29 January 2019, the ADA, AAE and AADR wrote that continuing to host the film on their platform could harm the viewing public by spreading misinformation about safe medical treatments like root canals. Mind you, I say amputate very deliberately; its not really an extraction. Root Cause takes viewers through the Australian film-maker Frazer Baileys years-long quest to identify the cause of his fatigue, anxiety and depression. Essentially, he said, the filmmakers took a backward approach that any credible scientist would avoid. These microbes, and other toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. That study has been suppressed ever since by the ADA and the American Association of Endodontists (AAE). Price did experiments many decades ago which at first were hailed by the American Dental Association, but which were later suppressed. If you use electromedicine to kill the microbes inside the root canals, you may release mercury from the dental amalgam, which may make matters worse because mercury damages the brain and the immune system. Help keep Cancer Tutor on the cutting edge of relevant natural treatments and display ad-free. Hello world! Dr. Price discovered that root canals had within them bacteria capable of producing many diseases. It is impossible to cure more than 200 diseases unless all of the root canal teeth are removed properly because even if you killed the microbes of the disease, microbes hiding in the root canals can come out and reinfect the person. These dentists are sometimes persecuted by the American Dental Association, so do not expect to find one in the local telephone book. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. One problem with a simple solution is due to dental amalgam. Viral Alternative News: Root Canals And Breast Cancer: The Connection Rather, the microbe originates in the breasts and then some of them live the good life while hiding in the root canal(s), free from any interference of the immune system. The Root Cause documentary follows a filmmaker through a re-enactment of a period of about 10 years. Some claim that there's a connection between root canals and breast cancer, as well as other forms of cancer. Here is part of an article I read: "Dr. Thomas Rau, who runs the Paracelsus Clinic (cancer clinic since 1958) in Switzerland recently checked the records of the last 150 breast cancer patients treated in his clinic. Physically, those infected root canals were weakening her immunity. She came to me to get a fresh start. The rabbit then developed this same disease and in many cases, the human patient was quickly cured. So, what does this all mean? At Central Ohio Endodontics we use microscopes, rotary files, and irrigation adjuncts. This highly invasive procedure involves drilling into a decaying tooth to remove the infected pulp, and then using a file of sorts to reach into the canal of the tooth to remove the remaining pulp. Published by on June 29, 2022. A persistent and harmful myth about root canals has resurfaced on social media. After the second bout of cancer, she was no longer able to perform, so she retired to the Caribbean to recover her health. Since less than two million new cases of cancer are diagnosed in a calendar year and a little over 600,000 people die of cancer each year, the fact that cancer and root canals exist together isnt surprising. Eventually, Frazer Bailey blames his health problems on a root canal procedure he received years ago, thanks to the help of an obscure piece of scientific apparatus and some holistic dentists. Root Cause, released earlier this year, chronicles an Australian filmmakers search to find the cause of his chronic fatigue, anxiety and insomnia. According to Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, best-selling author and founder of, the 4th and 5th tooth (to the left and right of the center teeth) in the upper and lower jaw, for example, are connected to the breast meridian. His 5-year study involving over 300 women with breast cancer found that 93 percent of them had root canals. The Root Canal-Breast Cancer Connection More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in the United States. Dont Miss: Best Shampoo For Hair Loss After Radiation. But its also true that a lot of people have had root canals. This is called a root canal. She never wanted to have breast cancer again, so she was checking everything, including her teeth. Baileys 72-minute film makes eye-popping claims about how cancer, heart conditions and other serious illnesses are caused by asymptomatic infections inside root canals or in the empty spaces left behind after a wisdom tooth extraction. Science is beginning to agree with Henderson's claim. This organism contains over 3 miles of tubules (tiny fluid-filled holes in the dentin layer of each tooth). It took more than ten appointments for my patient to make her final decision about the best approach to take. We encourage all cancer survivors to be proactive in learning about this condition. As I said before, each tooth is like an organ with a blood supply, neural supply, connecting ligaments, lymphatic supply, and so forth. And as a result, he says, Almost all of them have remnants of necrotic debris still in that canal meaning that they were not thoroughly cleaned. His research has since been suppressed by the various Dental Associations in the United States.(8). However, this is based on research done by Dr. Weston Pricein the 1920s. A root canal is performed when the soft inner part of a tooth, known as the pulp, is injured or becomes inflamed or infected. As the infection would come back, she witnessed herself change back to the other person. When you root canal a tooth, there are lots of tiny tubules that can potentially play host to bacteria. While I dont challenge that traditional Chinese medicine has its benefits, theres no solid proof that this system is real in the way it was presented in the Root Cause movie. This does not mean that the root canal procedures had anything to do with the development of cancer. The streaming service did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Your teeth are living organisms that are connected to the rest of your body through the acupuncture meridian system.. She had the means to do it and the commitment and this was her choice. After about 10 months, I received an email stating that she had made the decision to have all the teeth with root canals removed. My patient was adamantly opposed to amputating her teeth. They can be hard to find locally. Additionally, reviews of focal infection theory studies showed that much of the research didn't involve the use of control groups and other standard requirements of a modern scientific study. The canals are then filled with a plastic material (gutta percha) thats quite problematic: Recent research shows that in many cases the plastic does not actually get into the tiny lateral canals of the tooth that branch off the main canal, which results in leakage of the highly toxic anaerobic bacteria the procedure was designed to remove.

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root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear