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my dream job is flight attendant because

10 mars 2023

There are hundreds of bits of information and steps in the hiring process, therefore, it is best to have the training and a guide to help you successfully gain the experience and get through the hiring process to land your dream job. I can explore different things while enjoying this career. Other two posts are right but honestly, this job is not for everyone. My dream job is flight attendant because really Advertisement Loved by our community 324 people found it helpful riannepertible28 Answer: Hope it help Explanation: I want to experience something different with my life. Highlight your interest in travel:Talk about how you love traveling and exploring new places. I told myself this is for me. 95. I had had my dream job taken away from me and lost a substantial amount of money because I suffered with depression. I know that if I become a Flight Attendant I would be able to do that as part of my career. Descubr lo que tu empresa podra llegar a alcanzar. I would rather spend my life relaxing on a beach than working in any capacity. I started 10-years ago, and since then it has changed drastically. I want a career I can enjoy. I also love to meet new people every day and make them happy. I am sure, that each of you once had had a desire to have an extraordinary job in his early childhood, be it an astronaut or a scientist. I Love to help others. I hope that youve been able to find some clarity and make whichever decision is best for you. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best Im confident I have the people skills required to be a successful flight attendant. This has been my dream my whole life. Im still living my best life in New Zealand. I really want this, there is nothing holding back except the excuses Ive been telling myself, but that ends today. . When I was reading your story I could see myself literally in your shoes . Work experience and a pleasant disposition are important, but not enough. 32. And 85 percent of flight attendants said they had dealt with such passengers last year, according to a July 2021 survey by the Association of Flight Attendants-C.W.A., which represents. Get the Trendy Girl's Guide sent to your inbox, completely Free! Flight attendants have to be able to handle difficult situations and provide excellent customer service. I definitely remember the feeling. When you are starting out, pick a small goal. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; 2. I also was class 1602 and had a freaking epic on-board. Also, because having an essay writer on your team who's ready to come to homework rescue saves a great deal of trouble. I feel bad because I feel like us slightly more senior people are always lying to these newbies and saying that things get better when really it doesnt. I dont know what Ive been waiting for because I always wanted to be a Flight Attendant, maybe its because I never had the courage but I now feel so strongly that Ive been denying myself, I want to come out of my shell. Being a flight attendant is always been a dream of mine since I was a child. Am I better prepared today for my dream career? What are some tips for answering the question Why You Want to Be a Flight Attendant? 50. 75. But who could of thought searching was one of the main key players in the search of pursuing the dream career. You can expect to see lots of new posts coming soon! When I talked with my high school career counselor, this was the career I decided was the best fit for me. 2877 Views Download Presentation. I want to experience something different with my life. I have wanted to do this my whole life! I love meeting new people, being able to travel and I have a love for flying. I started flying in July and it's a great fit for my unusual lifestyle and personality but I can easily see how it would be a hellscape for a lot of people. This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with a flight attendant for a major American airline. One door closes, another door opens, right? I dont want a career just to have a job, I want a job that I will love, and this is it. Im ready to make the change. And for good reason, they don't think it's for them. I dont know your age but I started at 22 and now I have 12 years, and for many years now Ive had weekends off, plenty of time off, vacations, and on top of all that I have: flight benefits, work pretty much whenever I want, amazing experiences, no work to take home, and many other amazing perks I would say stick it out and remember what you have, that others dont. 7. For more information, please see our This has always been my dream job, Ive been a stay at home mom and now its time for my career. Hang in there. Ive served in the military so Im used to flying and understanding the importance of flight safety. Compare and contrast this job to another job offer and dont leave if you think you might have regrets about walking away down the line. The most difficult aspects of the job. 1. This means always involving others and being able to see other's points of view. I want to pursue it now to better myself and finally make my lifetime dream come true I would love to be a Flight Attendant because Id love a career where my smile and hospitality matters most. Opportunities are unlimited its all up to you how far you want to go. The Top 100 Reasons Why People become Flight Attendants. I am also passionate about flying, and I think that becoming a flight attendant would allow me to combine these two interests.. It might take some time to adjust, but the opportunities are out there. My dream job involves an extensive amount of teamwork, such as regular staff meetings and group projects. BEING an FA is different than HEARING about being an FA. All I can tell you is that ONLY you can change your path. I absolutely detest it and make myself sick the day before my trip, and sometimes as I drive to work I cry. Privacy Policy. Later on, getting older, you also start to consider the money you earn in a job and suddenly, not only you want to become a doctor, a lawyer or a superstar. I have worked in customer service for many years and understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. 68. I recently worked for the airport and seeing Flight Attendants do their jobs and what they do. How defiant Covid-era customers turned a dream job flight attendant into a total nightmare. I want a job with a feeling of independence. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Although I got my degree in that field it is not a place I want to be in again. Everyone has a purpose in life and being a Flight Attendant is where I belong now. But now coming back after covid the routes have changed completely as our airline goes through recovery like many others. In order to land your dream flight attendant job, working for that airline, it is important to have a clean, impressive, and detailed resume. Flight attendants can ride in coach for free or fly with a companion for about 90 percent off plus tax and fees on international flights. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) I have a passion for helping people and making them happy. 28. Its always been something I wanted to do but never had the courage to actually do it, until now because I feel compelled to make it happen. match. Ive noticed that there are many senior citizen Flight Attendants. Besides being a nightmare to explain on my New Zealand visa application, I figured this solution was the best of both worlds. For example, if you're interested in a leadership position, you can say that your dream job would give you the opportunity to support and lead others as they develop new skills and achieve their goals. You need a way out and only you can get yourself out. I enjoy meeting different people and seeing different places. I dont know what kind of more soul searching I need to take the leap of seeing if Id be happier doing something else. Now I am a woman of a certain age, looking for another job, because I just dont want to be a Flight Attendant anymore. I know my personality will be a great fit. I really needed this! Our polite managers will answer all your questions and help you determine the details. Lufthansa, Air France, British Airways. 40. It's not healthy to just be focused on work and then just be alone when you're home. In the beginning, we got a lot more pushback. I wouldnt want to kill myself because I love myself too much, but we know our managers/crew scheduling is going to be like, Can you still make report? They have ZERO pity or understanding for us. I really dont want to be a nurse BUT not all nurses work in the hospital or in a clinical setting. The biggest reason for my hesitation??? In this article, we will provide tips on answering this question effectively. What other skills do you have that you can start applying at other jobs. Now remember that this has been my experience in the industry and it has made me a lifelong FA. Additionally, you'll receive benefits, like health and . Its something I always thought about in my mind. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I would also like to travel and have a career I can be proud of. Follow me on Tiktok: @torithevampire Tori Lindsey through link below: htt. Ga. called East Airlines. You wont really get more days off as you get more senior working behind a desk or something similar. It's not as exciting the locations we go to anymore, and alot of friends, co-workers and people who I believed where born for the job left and pursued different paths. Download. 44. 37. Its been a dream for a long time and I finally have time to do it. For the past few years, this (somehow) worked out perfectly for me. Do you love interacting with people from all over the world? It was all I had. It's not just serving people. If youre thinking of leaving do it after having sometime off. To me, this would be the most exciting experience any job could offer. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Right now your emotions are overwhelming. 100. Thats my advice. Im also interested in the customer service aspect of the job, as I have previous experience working in customer service. They started the job just four weeks before the pandemic began, and things "got intense really . as well as other partner offers and accept our. The faces you see, the friends you make, travelers that relied on you to provide the best service. I lost both of my parents last year and really need to do something that I always want to do. But she still took this interview and is accepting the job. In seven months in and the sleep deprivation is something I'm having a really hard time with. 19 of those years have been in healthcare administration. I straight up wanted to quit for the first year. The companies dont care about us. A flight attendant's primary responsibility is to make sure safety regulations on airplanes are followed. I would try to take as much time off as you can before quitting. 96. Quitting this job doesnt mean I wont ever be able to travel again. , I needed to see this today. Came here to say this. 79. I havent worked at all this month and am meant to go in tomorrow for a trip. 10596. I love the way flight attendants are so welcoming and warming, they have a great opportunity to uplift many people on a daily basis. A great team is flexible and supportive and if things went wrong everybody should remain positive to find an immediate solution." Q11. 62. What are Fresher Strengths and Weaknesses with Examples, Why Do You Want to Become US Citizen 5 Sample Answers with Tips. Being a flight attendant was my goal, and all the things I loved about it were still there I got to travel, take care of people, and have a flexible schedule. Depending on their schedule, they may be able to take time to explore destination locations before their next flight begins or during layovers. Seems like were in the same exact boat at the moment! So people think it is cool that you fly places, but when it comes to real world experience of skills, technical skills, knowledge, and how you can benefit a company you dont have any. You could stick to regional flights, where you stay relatively close to home and attend flights that will allow you to be home a few nights a week. Because being a flight attendant is more of a lifestyle than a job, it felt like it somehow defined my existence. I know its a hard choice, especially since its such an all-consuming lifestyle rather than just a job. I would love to start with my schooling, certification, graduation, and meeting with airlines for job placement. As I previously stated, I did have another career before joining this airline. The pay sucks, the benefits are not worth it, paying a lot for crap medical. I held a line my second month and was San Francisco international. They spoke on condition of anonymity to protect their career, but Insider has verified. 63. With this career, I will get the opportunity to interact with diverse people and address their needs. We hope this article helped provide some tips on answering the question Why you want to be a flight attendant? effectively. Sign up for notifications from Insider! 56. 54. Press J to jump to the feed. I have worked many jobs for the public. Im like a bird being stationed in one place is hard for me when there is so much for me to see. Able to meet the Maldivian employment visa requirements. my dream job is flight attendant because. You're not the only one feeling this way. I enjoy giving not only giving excellent customer service but hospitality as well. Im a very outgoing and excited type of person, I need to be out and about mingling with others. Please explain why you want to work for the airline:Do research on the airline youre interviewing for and explain why you want to work for them specifically. I think the best way to do that is by going out and traveling and learning from other diverse people, experience their different cultures. Why does the interviewer ask this question? Explore other options but dont stay in the flight attendant world. Roman Babakin/Shutterstock South Korea 's youth unemployment is. It can be hard to think that youre letting other people down, but in the end it is YOUR life, not theirs! I enjoy traveling and making people smile by helping them in any way possible. We are a BBB Accredited Flight Attendant School. Can you do an office job in Inflight? Neither one of my childhood dream jobs panned out. "Dream Job" is one of the main focus in almost everyone life that seeking for success in their future. Insider spoke to a flight attendant at a major American airline about their job during the pandemic. I know that working for your airline would be an excellent opportunity to develop my career.. If you can move in with friends or family to fly less do it! Finally, I want to work for your airline because it is one of the worlds most reputable and respected airlines. Coming from an acting and customer service background, human interactions have been my bread and butter, but I did have to shift my mental outlook on what this job was for me, to how I can improve it as the job is today, without the thrills of overseas layovers, or spending the day on a beach in Cancun on the companies dime. I Quit My Dream Job as a Flight Attendant Heres Why, The Ultimate Guide to Traveling New Zealand, The Ultimate 3-Week South Island New Zealand Road Trip Itinerary, Flight Attendant FAQ: 16 Questions I Get *all the time*. Any good thoughts on that? Maybe faking my death and getting out of her life for good will allow her to get the memo. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Like 21-28 is a good time to be a FA otherwise youre just a has been trying to be a FA. Again, theres nothing wrong with trying something new and not liking it. Fast forward and I live in Hanalei Bay as a gardener. Im ready for this life-changing career. Its crazy honestly I feel like that was who I am , that was my identity and now its just gone . Ive been a stay at home mom and its time for a career. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. 5. I gave her many job ideas and business ideas that she seemed fond of. I enjoy traveling and entertaining people. Im ready for a change and this is the career I really want now. If you stay being a Flight Attendant too long, you will regret it. On a two-day trip we are gone 48-hours, so that already is more than the average American on a 40-hour workweek. I choose to be a flight attendant because I love interacting people or background people. Its the travel and adventure, the diversity of experiences and meeting new people, but most of all its the lifestyle, the lifestyle, the lifestyle of this one-of-a-kind career. I love to help make people feel happy, comfortable, and safe! 14. There are so many more interesting things that shape who you are as a person your life experiences, your outlook on the world, the things you like to do for fun. Traveling and meet new people and make a person feel like a king or queen is what I enjoy doing. I like customer service and traveling. But others have had nothing but a stressful, difficult, relentless, unpredictable time. It doesnt matter how much research you do, at the end of the day some people get into this unique job and into a situation theyve never been in before and realize it doesnt suit them. I know its the best job in the world. And as I speak more than one language I'm always making announcements and as such I put as much flare and fun into them to make it seem like people are at a theme park and the thanks, and compliments I receive at the end of the flights is all I need to keep going. The jobs Ive had so far have not been fulfilling enough, I think this one will be. I worked hard to get a flight attendant position at my dream airline but its rough as a new hire. Honestly, I feel like everyone goes through this phase when theyre relatively new. I have always struggled to figure out what I want to do with my life. 29. So if youre preparing for a job interview as a flight attendant, be sure to keep these tips in mind! 12. From everything Ive learned so far, this seems like a great career. one of the best things about this job is get to travel a lot from our country.. since i was kid i always loved airplanes. I now wouldnt give this job up for the world. This is the perfect fit for me. I dont particularly dream of labor (and never have). I love people and travel while hearing their travel stories. , Thank you so much for your comment Keysha! I look forward to making a career in an industry in which I can interact with and serve people. I am a huge people person and love to travel. When I started feeling a bit of burnout I switched to doing long haul flights that I could hold which consisted of Carribean, and South American turns with a few layovers in Mexico and Peru. Example: "At my previous job, I often worked with customers that were not happy with the level of service they received. If your height is above the minimum, your weight must be proportionate to it. Everyone has a purpose in life and being a Flight Attendant is where I belong now. Also, because having an essay writer on your team who's ready to come to homework rescue saves a great deal of trouble. Every skill I have is helpful as a flight attendant, and I love it. I have a good relationship with the people I meet. I have always desired the ability to see the world and still make a living. Im 46 and been flying since Im 23. Interested in becoming an FA? This is the opportunity that Im looking for. Photo Credit: Cathay Pacific 6. 53. Remove from my list. Regardless of that I also thought it was time to move on especially during the pandemic a lot of things changed . There are many career options for both of us, but we have to just find what we want and try it out and if it doesnt work we can try another career. boeing 767 patriot express. They want to know if you understand what the job entails and if youre excited about the prospect of working as a flight attendant. 27. My current roommate is moving to pursue her dream job of being a flight attendant. 69. I was never a family oriented person, so it was relatively easy for me to relocate, and created new friends within the FA community. The experience would be amazing, and getting away is my ultimate goal of mine. "In . I'd say stick it out until you know for sure what you want. If youre looking for more job interview advice, check out our other articles! Ive already bought flights to come back to the USA for the summer and I expect to do a fair bit of traveling while Im there. Power through it!!! I think every time we grow up, we change our concept of which job would be "The dream job" for us. You have to give up some of your time, which we know we dont have a lot, to get to a better place. Ive applied for residency, so hopefully that gets approved sometime soon. Distance can be nothingand everything. You are a waiter in the sky and ground people who have jobs dont really see your purpose outside the plane. Mainly, because academic assignments are too boring and time-consuming. 17. Travel Consultant/ Travel Agent. I feel like I would be a great flight attendant I want a new fresh start and Im determined and dedicated to doing this. A place where stories are shared, advice is given, and all manner of other related topics are discussed. At my company if you dont fly you dont get paid, so yeah our employers are not here for us they are here for the shareholders. But I miss having a set schedule and a social life. Flying nonstop, especially during the pandemic, can really make you question your life choices so I think its a good idea to take a solid break before making your decision. It's my dream job but traveling can be lonely, and passengers often disrespect us. Ive been contemplating quitting flying for a bit now. 93. 10. 1. I need to be in the sky. My hair goes wild and I can wear a sarong anywhere. I don't think people realize how lonely being a flight attendant can be. I really could use your insight for this process! Now Im divorced and ready to pursue my lifelong dream. I feel one of the luckiest people on the earth when Im on the aircraft!! 61. On this video, tuturuan ko kayo na sagutin ng tama ang question na to. Im confident that I can help passengers enjoy a positive and safe travel experience. I feel its time for something new. tony bloom starlizard. Im still on reserve and have saturdays and sundays off because of taking the time to really learn how to bid. I definitely miss the perks of the job, but not the job itself. Everyone knows me as the flight attendant! I almost feel like Im letting everyone else down when ultimately, the decision is mine. Id like to have a career that keeps me busy and that is fulfilling, one that is both challenging and rewarding. I am a hard-working person, I always wanted to be a Flight Attendant. 88. Its a valid question to ask before anyone here tells a new hire that its worth sticking it out in this job. I want to travel and even save lives if needed. Cookie Notice Im young, single, and dedicated to creating the life that I desire. Talk to a therapist too so you can get a better understanding of your feelings and what you need to do for yourself to get out of this situation. Im a nurse now and Im 49 I want a career change and I feel this is the right time for me to do so. If you're ready to start studying towards your dream job, contact us here at ITC . Consider what you enjoy about travel and customer service when preparing your answer. The only advice I have for you is: Dont. It is true that it is tiring to face passengers, even those who behave badly with a smiling face all the time but I would get the chance to travel around the world, and that is, in my eyes the best job. Im ready to move forward in my life. Im grateful for the time, but I know the lines arent as easy as they used to be, and I think I pulled out just in time Really grateful you wrote this, I LOVE your outlook and honesty, and I hope you flourish in New Zealand and DONT LOOK BACK.

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my dream job is flight attendant because