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putnam county court records lima news

10 mars 2023

A non-gambling entity owned by the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, also in Michigan, is now selling NativeWahl burger franchises to other tribes after forming a 2021 partnership with Wahlburgers, the national burger chain created by the celebrity brothers Paul, Mark and Donnie Wahlberg. Fax 419-229-2926 RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. 400 block of Ewing Avenue, Lima Police responded to a domestic violence incident with a suspect present Tuesday evening. ELIDA In the regular season matchup, Kalida slipped past Ottoville in an overtime thriller, 47-45. Trilogy Healthcare of Putnam II, LLC, The Meadows at Ottawa HC, was granted judgment against Robert Edgington, Cairo, and Kimberly Edgington, Cairo, in the amount of $30,380, plus judgment and costs. The violations included consuming alcohol. Bluffton Hospital, Findlay, default judgment v. Eric. The court system is aided by the county clerk of courts, the adult parole authority, the adult probation department and Putnam County prosecutors office. But the financial blow was blunted in part by the tribes non-gambling businesses, including a firm thats involved in drone development for the federal government and was deemed essential.. The National Indian Gaming Association reported in August that $39 billion in gross gambling revenue was generated in fiscal year 2021, the most in tribal gambling history. Sentence: $100 fine. Two females inside the vehicle were transported from the scene for medical treatment. Brandy Smith, Continental, v. Tracey Smith, Continental; divorce with children. The Putnam County Grand Jury is scheduled to meet Feb. 15. The Mashantucket Pequots non-gambling entity, Command Holdings, last year made its largest acquisition to date: WWC Global, a Florida-based management consulting firm that predominantly works with federal agencies, including the defense and state departments. People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column but are identified through published court dispositions. You think about the financial crisis in 08 and now COVID. Alex Suever led Ottoville with 11 points on Tuesday. WWC Global CEO Jon Panamaroff applauded the Mashantucket Pequots casino and hospitality business but noted that it can be subject to the ups and downs of the market, making it important to branch out economically. The gambling and hospitality entity owned by the Mohegan Tribe in eastern Connecticut announced this month it is partnering with a New York developer to try and secure a New York City gambling license and build a proposed entertainment district in Manhattans East Side. Kalida picked it up, to begin the second quarter. Putnam County court records, Jan. 6-12 William R. Zimmerman, Sidney, was certified as a judge to the Third District of Appeals to a term beginning Feb. 9, 2023. Lima OH, 45807, Listen to the Lima Land Hoops & History Podcast with Matt Childers, Hear top stories from The Lima News on Alexa, Boys basketball: Lima Senior falls in district final, Boys basketball: Crestview outlasts Ottoville in two overtimes, Former Spencerville mayor denied bond reduction for pandering charge, Ohio boys high school basketball scores for Friday, March 3, Roundup: Wapakoneta wins girls bowling district. Putnam County court records, Feb. 16-22. Sentence: 30 days jail, $250 fine, with credit for six days jail upon completion of DIP. Putnam County Municipal Court dispositions. Lima Memorial Health System, Lima, v. Tammy Duncan, Leipsic; other civil ($1,872.54). Thats a good old fashion PCL matchup. A charge of rape was dismissed. Since opening in 1993, the company has grown into four locations in northwest, Ohio and employ some of the best people in the tri-state area. Midland Credit Management, Inc., San Diego, default judgment v. Syd Gwin, Pandora, $1,572.37, plus interest and costs. Kalidas Jaden Smith attempts to pass against Ottovilles Kellen Schlagbaum (center) and Alex Suever during a Tuesday Division IV district semifinal at the Elida Fieldhouse. . All cases, documents and judicial orders filed within the Putnam County common pleas court and the Putnam County municipal court are processed through the clerks' offices. Ottoville held a slight 25-24 edge on the boards. 245 E. Main Street, Suite 202, Ottawa, OH 45875. p. 419.523.6490. tf. Tribal leaders and tribal business experts say the global pandemic has been the latest and clearest sign that tribal governments with casinos cant depend solely on slot machines and poker rooms to support future generations. Putnam County court records, Feb. 16-22. Davonntae J. Jodi M. Ellerbrock, 39, Ottawa, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second offense reckless operation. 600 block of Holyoke Avenue, Lima An unruly juvenile was reported Tuesday. He must register as a Tier One sex offender and reported to the county jail Feb. 27. Putnam County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Putnam County, Florida. April 07 -- Putnam County Common Pleas Court. IMPORTANT INFO I guess well give up the league (title) for that.. Court records for this case are available from St. Lucie County Courthouse. 2300 block of South Sunderland Road, Lima A fight was reported Tuesday. Black also had three active warrants for his arrest. He must obtain and maintain employment and successfully complete all counseling and treatment recommended. 2 seed Kalida for a hard-fought 38-34 victory. Putnam county courts: Common pleas, and municipal. James C. Berger, 32, Defiance, was sentenced to 11 months in jail for violating community control standards. The Putnam County court system has the authority to conduct preliminary hearings in felony cases, and both have jurisdiction over traffic and non-traffic misdemeanors. James L. Jones, 50, of Columbus Grove, pleaded no contest to found guilty of use/poss/sale/drug para. Sentence: 30 days jail, 29 days suspended, and fined $50. 1900 block of East Elm Street, Lima Deputies responded to a domestic disturbance Tuesday. Phone 419-223-1010 We werent trying to stall, we just wanted to make sure that we got the right opportunity.. Credit to our guys. Rebecca A. Brinkman, Kalida, and Roger Brinkman, Kalida, were granted a dissolution of marriage. Yahir F. Vazquez, 20, McComb, was fined $150 for driving without a valid license. Justin D. Lammers, 24, Leipsic, was sentenced to 90 days jail for attempted aggravated possession of drugs and was remanded to the WORTH Center for disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. For the game, Ottoville shot 32 percent from the field. Dispositions/ March 31. Putnam County court records, Feb . In Tuesdays nightcap at the Elida Fieldhouse, Crestview defeated No. Jerron M. Jackson, 29, Liberty Center, Ind., acknowledged being a fugitive from charges in the state of Indiana. 500 block of East Franklin Street, Lima An assault was reported Tuesday. Ottoville slipped out with a 30-27 lead by the end of the third quarter. Prior to The Lima News, Brown was an English teacher in Allen County for 38 years, with stops at Perry, Shawnee, Spencerville and Heir Force Community School. Premier Bank, Youngstown, v. Bobbi J. Griffith, North Baltimore; foreclosure ($37,370.75). A user id and password is required. Juan R. Coronado, 26, 410 Mill St., Leipsic; endangering . Responsibilities include filing, docketing, indexing and preserving all court pleadings for civil, felony, domestic relations, traffic, misdemeanor and small claim cases. On 06/02/2015 LIMA, DOCIUS filed a Property - Other Eviction court case against BECK, MCNEIL in St. Lucie County Courts. According to the indictment, the woman asked Gonzales to stop, but he continued to forcibly engage in sexual conduct with her. Oct. 21. The Putnam County clerk of courts legal departments plays a vital role in serving the interest of justice in our communities. The sentence was ordered served concurrent and he was placed on five years community control and given credit for one day served. . Blanchard Valley Medical Practice, Findlay, default judgment v. Emaleigh A. Santana, Leipsic, $71.50, plus interest and costs. Bond was continued while a presentence investigation is conducted with sentencing set for 10 a.m. Dec. 29. By the end the third quarter, Crestviews lead was cut to 3, 30-27. Putnam County Common Pleas Court Nov. 22 Mark E. Morning, 40, Columbus Grove, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of domestic violence. 1600 block of West Spring Street, Lima Police investigated a hit-and-run traffic accident Tuesday evening. Bond was modified to OR must reside at 1235 Orville Court, Northwood. Updated Feb 21, 2023. After five lead changes, the score was knotted, 10-10, at the end of the first quarter. Fax 419-229-2926 See more high school basketball photos at LimaScores.com. In the regular season matchup, St. Johns defeated Crestview 48-43. I thought our defense really anchored in, especially after those first couple minutes of the second quarter. Village of Ottawa, default judgment v. Fidela Rodriguez, Napoleon, $1,717.03, plus interest and costs. Putnam County Courts Contact the local court directly with questions about jury duty, an upcoming court date, or getting a copy of a document in your case if it isn't available online. Phone 419-223-1010 If you have been summonsed into Court, and are not feeling well, please contact the Clerk of Courts [emailprotected] 419-523-3110 for a possible continuance. Lima Municipal Court records, Feb. 23 . Address: 3515 Elida Road, Were even on points (total between the two games played), but well play (at least) one more game. St. Johns Methodist Church, Columbus Grove, default judgment v. Nikki Boyed, Leipsic, $5,602.12, plus interest and costs. He also pleaded guilty to unauthorized use of property. And so, somethings going to happen again, Butler said. Mariner Finance, LLC, Lima, default judgment v. Kathleen S. Dawson, Cloverdale, $2,042.54, plus interest and costs. Lima Memorial Health System, v. Beth Clay, Fort Jennings; other civil ($5,494.51). Circuit Court Clerk | Putnam County TN Circuit Court Clerk Jennifer Wilkerson Circuit Court Clerk 421 E. Spring Street Room 1C, Suite 49A Cookeville, TN 38501 931-528-1508 931-526-2004 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday - Friday In an effort to better serve you, the Circuit Court Clerks Office would like to begin electronic filing. By The Lima News, Ohio. The Lima/Allen-Putman County Crime Stoppers Program offers cash awards of up to $1,000.00 to anyone who provides anonymous tip/ information that would lead to the arrest of anyone listed on this page. Putnam County Municipal Court dispositions. R. Betts, Columbus Grove, $483.44, plus interest and costs. In the first half, Kalida turned the ball over 12 times, including eight times in the second quarter. Bluffton Hospital, default judgment v. Emaleigh A. Santana, Leipsic, $4,141.61, plus interest and costs. Lima OH, 45807, Boys basketball: Ottoville, Crestview reach district final, Hear top stories from The Lima News on Alexa, kalida, ottoville, crestview, delphosstjohns, Boys basketball: Lima Senior falls in district final, Boys basketball: Crestview outlasts Ottoville in two overtimes, Former Spencerville mayor denied bond reduction for pandering charge, Ohio boys high school basketball scores for Friday, March 3, Roundup: Wapakoneta wins girls bowling district. He faces. Andrew C. Poucher, Paulding, was found in contempt of paying his child support obligations. J Swygart covers courts and police for The Lima News. Lima OH, 45807, Hear top stories from The Lima News on Alexa, Judge to review bond for Lima teen charged with murder, Former Spencerville mayor denied bond reduction for pandering charge, Spencerville schools superintendent submits resignation, Home weatherization assistance program open. Lima Municipal Court records, Feb. 23-March 1 . Reach him at . Jeremy J. Knoll, 47, Lima Municipal Court records, Feb. 23-March 1, Roundup: Wapakoneta wins girls bowling district, Boys basketball: Lima Senior falls in district final, Real Wheels: A lesson learned from his elders Think long and hard before selling a car you love. Tiffany A. Hernandez, Liberty Center, was sentenced to nine months jail for aggravated possession of drugs. LVNV Funding, LLC, Greenville, S.C., v. Scott R. Wells, Gilboa; other civil ($15,706.19). They were married Aug. 4, 2000 in Kalida and have no . Meanwhile, the Chickasaw Nation in Oklahoma is part of another consortium that wants to build a casino and entertainment complex on New Yorks Coney Island. Crestview shot 50 percent in the first half. The report found that many tribes are increasingly doing business with the federal government, especially the U.S. Department of Defense. 888.638.0042. e. [email protected] Monday-Friday. Jaden Smith led Kalida (19-5) and all scorers with 17 points. Fax 419-229-2926 In an effort to minimize traffic in and out of the courthouse, most scheduled court hearings, have been converted into telephonic hearings. It wasnt always pretty the last four minutes. These warrants may be issued by local or Putnam County law enforcement agencies, and they are signed by a judge. Address: 3515 Elida Road, 02 Mar 2023 17:34:03 Reach The Lima News sports department at 567-242-0451. Butler said the tribe hopes non-gambling revenues, including from a planned family resort with a 91,000-square-foot (8,450-square-meter) water park thats expected to open in 2025, will eventually comprise 50% to 80% of the Mashantucket Pequots portfolio, providing stability and certainty when another challenging event undoubtedly will happen. Even before the pandemic hit, some tribal casinos were already facing competitive pressures from the advent of other gambling options, including legalized online wagering on sports and casino games in some states. Ricardo Minjarez, 54, Leipsic, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol (4th in 10 years). Ottoville held off Kalida down the stretch for the win. In the last four minutes, I thought we did a pretty good job of doing that. 7800 block of East Lincoln Highway, Lima A fight was reported Tuesday. The following individuals were indicted Wednesday following a session of the Putnam County Grand Jury. Roundup: Wapakoneta wins girls bowling district, Grove to face Toledo Christian in regional final, Boys basketball: Lima Senior falls in district final, Roundup: Wapakoneta heading to state in boys bowling, Boys basketball: Van Wert beats buzzer, St. Marys, Real Wheels: A lesson learned from his elders Think long and hard before selling a car you love. Joshua J. Carpenter, 44, Ottawa, was placed on five years community control for violating community control sanctions. Lima News. Another charge of OVI and parking on a highway were dismissed. 9th JD - PUTNAM COUNTY. He was also fined $1,000 for no operators license, $850 suspended, one year probation. Mark E. Morning, 40, Columbus Grove; domestic violence. A charge of marked lanes was dismissed. However, Ottoville responded with a 13-5 run to claim a 23-21 lead by the halftime break. Jennifer Burroughs, Columbus Grove, and Eric BurroughS, Columbus, dissolve marriage. We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and update the public to any additional changes to our services on this page or you may call 419.523.3110. Court Records are typically maintained by the . Follow the link to read our updated Privacy Policy. Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay, default judgment v. Eric. Ground News - Putnam County court records - LimaOhio.com Putnam County Common Pleas CourtSept. Rebecca A. Brinkman, Kalida, and Roger Brinkman, Kalida, were granted a dissolution of marriage. Clerk Court has divorce and court records from 1834; Probate Judge has marriage and probate records; County Recorder has land records. Fax 419-229-2926 Sentence: 60 days jail, 59 days suspended, $150 fine and complete a drug and alcohol assessment. He must have no contact with any juveniles without permission of his supervising officer. Motorcyclist dead after two-vehicle crash on Metcalf Street in Lima; Ohio State Highway Troopers seize $27,000 worth of suspected fentanyl in Allen County; Lima/Allen-Putman County Crime Stoppers Wanted Persons of the Week; 250+ grams of suspected fentanyl seized after two narcotics related search warrants are served in Lima . Nate Lichtle (13), Carson Hunter (13) and Mitch Temple (12) all scored in double figures for the Knights. Derrick A. Clark, 40,13419 Oris. For the half, Ottoville was 8 of 24 from the field for 33-percent shooting. With the win, Ottoville (19-5) will take on No. That doesnt mean tribes are giving up on gambling. Sentence: 90 days jail, $150 fine, with credit for time served since Dec. 6, 2022 and pay restitution in the amount of $391.87 with co-defendant to Walmart. It was back-and-forth action the first eight minutes. R. Betts, Columbus Grove, $33.37, plus interest and costs. Lima OH, 45807, Hear top stories from The Lima News on Alexa, Boys basketball: Lima Senior falls in district final, Judge to review bond for Lima teen charged with murder, Boys basketball: Crestview outlasts Ottoville in two overtimes, Former Spencerville mayor denied bond reduction for pandering charge, Spencerville schools superintendent submits resignation. Get Started. Another charge of OVI and driving under suspension were dismissed. He faces up to 12 months in prison and $2,500 in fines. He faces up to 18 months in prison and $5,000 in fines. Sentence: 30 days jail. Some are even expanding it. Reach The Lima . Tonight, it really wasnt about our defense. A member of the Sunaq Tribe of Kodiak, Alaska, he credited the Mashantucket Pequots tribal leaders with doubling down on diversification efforts during the pandemic instead of shying away and trying to hunker down.. It was a loss of, What we can do for our community and in our community., The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi in Michigan saw its successful casino shut down in the early months of the pandemic. Specialty Physicians of Blanchard, Findlay, default judgment v. Eric. The court system consists of a common pleas court, municipal court, probate, and juvenile court. Credit Acceptance Corp., Southfield, Mich., v. Kevin Hatcher, Holgate; other civil ($45,838.36). It was a lot of fun.. If you need to check on your next scheduled court date, you may do so by calling the Clerk of Courts office at 419-523-3110, calling your attorney (if applicable) or by visiting our public access web-site. Phone 419-223-1010 The pandemic, Fitzpatrick said, really highlighted the importance of such a strategy, given the financial impact of COVID-19 on tribal schools, health care centers, assistance for older adults, day care programs and other services. Tuesday night, Crestview was not going to be denied. What a great game between two really, really great teams, Ottoville head coach Keith Utendorf said. Brian G. Gonzales, 34, Ottawa, was sentenced to 24 months in prison for attempted felonious assault. Rafael Alanis, 32, Ottawa, pleaded guilty to assault. Another count of OVI and a charge of driving under suspension were dismissed. 1 seed Crestview (21-3) Friday in a district final at the Elida Fieldhouse with tip-off set for 6 p.m. It inevitably always goes down to the wire. Timothy J. Maag, Ottawa, small claims v. Sabina G. Villela, Leipsic, $614.50, plus interest and costs. Kalida was 5 of 10 shooting from the field, while Ottoville was 4 of 9 from the floor in the first eight minutes.

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putnam county court records lima news